A friend from the he Royal Secretariat and Protocol of The he Royal Palace and Oscarshall of Oslo invited my together with his partner from Stockholm and her twin sister . We arrived in a Maserati and went ahead of many , MANY , elegant and nice people , waiting in line in the cold evening of this Friday in Stockholm !
Someone , obviously not a born Swedish person , took us for a tour in various " rooms " of the place . This person was behaving in a way i have only seen in movies starring Al Pacino or Robert De Niro . I could not understand what these gentle persons were doing outside because the " rooms " could handle 4 times more than the number of persons inside . Service was slavish and obsequious . I felt like they wanted to act like in Regine ' s or Castel ' s of Cercle Saint Germain in Paris twenty years ago . But of course they could not get it in style .
Most of the staff not Swedish and very pretentious and superficial .
Felt also very sorry for some people as i noticed they came in more than an hour after us . What a great man like Kjell Stefan Löfven think about this ? I met him briefly last year in November in Göteborg , and , among his European colleagues he was the most ardent in defending equalities ...
In summary , a VERY boring and artificial place . Not Scandinavian by spirit or willingness . I am not sure that you can find this "type" in Oslo or Helsinki ! Make yourself a favor and do NOT go there . FORTUNATELY , the next day , Saturday , i went to " RICHE " for a Great Time